AttractionPros brings you into the room with the top leaders, executives, and influencers in the attractions industry, to gain the widest possible perspective of all areas of the industry. Most people are only exposed to the practices of their own organization without seeing how the rest of the industry operates. By following AttractionPros, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed and learn from the best of the best, whether you are the CEO or just beginning your career.
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
There is a lot of talk these days about guests having autonomy and agency to create and curate their own experiences within our attractions. What about the other side of the coin, where guests may need the help and assistance of our expert employees to truly have the experience they want to have? In this episode, Matt and Josh explore the concept of cultivating experts, using your awareness of the guest and how to find answers.
Cultivating experts
“You’re in my domain. I’m going to tell you how to have the best experience.”
We all want our team members to be experts… experts at the functional portion of their jobs, experts at providing service and experts at explaining all of the features and benefits of your facility to your guests. The problem is, that level of expertise takes longer to cultivate than most team members will be around.
So the first strategy of cultivating experts to serve your guests is to realize it takes time. On top of that it takes coaching, repetition, practice, teaching, coaching and a bit more time. Malcolm Gladwell says that it takes upwards of 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become world-class at something. That’s just over 9 years someone would have to spend becoming an expert in your business.
Using your awareness of the guest
“Be aware of what’s around you and what people are saying.”
Sometimes the biggest impact gesture comes from the act of being aware of your surroundings so you can react in the moment or even anticipate a guest's need because you almost see what they need before they see it.
Maybe you are passing someone on the midway and you overhear them talking about ice cream or how to get to a show venue. Taking a few seconds to respond could mean the difference in a good guest experience and a great one. However, we can get so focussed on the operation and efficiency that we can lose sight of those in-the-moment opportunities that only present themselves if we are aware of our guests and what they need.
How to find answers
“Give people the opportunity to learn how to find the information, rather than expecting everyone will know everything.”
We’ve all heard a manager say, “We don’t want you to say, ‘I don’t know’ when a guest asks a question.” Okay, then what SHOULD I say? That is the frustration many team members go through when learning the finer points of their job. The sentiment, of course, is that we want our “experts” to be able to provide any assistance a guest may want.
In order to do this and help cultivate experts, organizations need to provide tools for team members to learn where to get this information. For example, a park map or app likely has answers to 95% of questions a guest may have, so teach your team how to use the app. It could also be a hotline/helpline that people can call, maybe it goes directly to Guest Services who likely have the answers our operators are seeking.
It’s intimidating to say, “don’t say I don’t know.”, but it’s empowering to provide a way for people to find the information they need at a moment’s notice.
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com
This episode would not be possible with the incredible work of our team!
- Abby Giganan - audio/video editing
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Episode 302: Professional lessons from leisure travel
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Traveling for leisure can be rejuvenating, relaxing, educational, and an opportunity to disconnect from the real world for a short time. And when you work in the attractions industry, it can also inspire you to come up with new ways to improve your operation back home! Recently, Matt and Josh both traveled internationally and came back with several guest and employee experience examples worth talking about. Even better, they recorded their findings in person at the Florida Attractions Association annual conference in the middle of the networking center. In this episode, Matt and Josh share insights from recent trips to Ireland and Turks and Caicos, respectively.
It takes people to make the dream a reality
“It’s the human beings that are going to determine whether the experience is positive or negative.”
Walt Disney said, “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it takes people to make the dream a reality.” This quote resonates throughout the attractions industry and any other business where the team members truly deliver the experience. In Josh’s recent experience, he stayed at a Ritz Carlton, whose brand commands a high standard of premium service. With that said, it was the individuals with whom he interacted that made the experience what it was, and a select few truly made the dream a reality. Despite the warm weather, blue skies, sandy beach, and crystal clear waters, the biggest memories from the trip were the team members who went above and beyond.
It takes years – sometimes decades – to make skills appear seamless
“When we are training people to be great service providers, it takes time.”
We expect a lot from our team members, especially when there is a high standard for service and excellence. We also know that we need to train them efficiently so that they are proficient from their first day interacting with guests. True service skills, however, come with time. Matt shares an experience in a Pub in Killarney where the bartender interacted with guests with his authentic personality, which created an enjoyable experience, even though his service could be described as “non-traditional.”
When a guest made an obscure off-menu request, the bartender fully understood what she was asking for and her response was that it was exactly what she wanted. The bartender’s reply was, “I should hope so. I’ve been doing this for 20 years!” Had it been earlier in his career, he may have sought assistance from a coworker or made a drink that did not align with the guest’s request, but after two decades of experience, the unusual request was able to be seamlessly delivered.
The challenge of exceeding expectations is that it raises expectations
“When you have a high guest experience standard in place, you need to keep pushing it forward.”
We all strive to exceed the expectations from our guests. But what happens when our guests get used to us exceeding expectations for them? Josh shares an encounter he had that met the definition of “wow” moment – the staff found a way to do something that most guests wouldn’t expect that would leave a lasting impression. However, Josh expected it based on previous experience at other properties within the brand and even other brands with similar standards.
This is not to say that it wasn’t a positive experience, but it met his expectations for what the brand is known for, rather than go above and beyond. We need to continually think of ways to surprise and delight our guests so that once they pick up on certain patterns, we can push the envelope even further.
A genuine experience can transcend, or exceed, what you know is happening
“I knew that the offer was coming, but I didn’t feel like I was being sold to.”
In the attractions industry, much of the experience is predictable. In a theme park, after you ride a ride, you expect to walk through a gift shop at the end of the experience. On a tour, you expect the guide to present a solicitation for gratuity. However, when the experience is genuine, the feeling of “being sold to” disappears, because it’s a natural part of the experience.
When Matt partook in an experience where he made his own scones and ate them after, the owner said to the group, “If you enjoyed the scones, you can buy the recipe.” In response, guests lined up to buy it. While Matt knew it was coming, he didn’t feel like he was being sold to or manipulated as part of a retail experience. The recipe solicitation was a natural extension of the experience, which was delivered so excellently, Matt felt like his group was the only one in the world who had done it – despite multiple tours running daily.
If we look at it from the lens of the employee experience, if every part of the culture shows that leadership wants them to have the best employee experience, when it comes time to have difficult conversations, they should come across seamlessly, just like the sales opportunity at the end of the guest experience.
Use your knowledge of how guests can have an even better experience
“Sometimes you need to help your guests have the best experience that they can.”
One of the core tenets of guest service is anticipating guests’ needs, which recognizes that guests may not have all the information to have the best experience possible. It Josh’s case, it wasn’t just information, it was talent and skill when he rented a paddleboard in relatively choppy water. After falling several times in a short period of time (providing quality entertainment for everyone on the beach), the guide called Josh back to shore and gave him several tips that he could use to improve his skills. The guide didn’t need to do it; his responsibility including efficient paddleboard rentals and ensuring that all guests were safe – but he saw an opportunity to help Josh have a better experience, which was even more satisfying than it gone well from the start.
This also connects to the employee experience. As employees are learning their jobs and building their proficiency, leaders can recognize opportunities where they can give their employees the chance to fail, learn, adjust, and improve – similar to Josh’s experience on the paddleboard.
The environment plays a significant role in the experience
“In the physical environment that we put people in, what kind of mood does that create?”
Matt visited a pub in Waterford that was more than 300 years old, and possibly even owned by the original family. The pub remained mostly untouched, with modern fixtures like restrooms only being installed in the 1960s. The environment was supported by a musician playing songs and the wobbly tables that allowed guests to appreciate the historic significance of the pub.
In modern-day structures, we create the environments that put guests in certain moods, and supplement them by the amenities that go along with them to match the mood you are seeking to create, which leads to full immersion and escapism. By fully immersing guests into the desired emotional outcomes, it allows them to disconnect from the challenges and stresses of their daily lives, and be fully present in the experience.
We hope you enjoyed these takeaways as much as we enjoyed collecting them!
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Peter van der Schans is the Executive Director & Vice President IAAPA EMEA, which represents IAAPA member interests in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Peter will be the first to tell you that these areas are not only diverse culturally, but are also wide ranging in terms of industry maturity and development. Peter’s background in operations helps him relate to the members and provide support in navigating their most difficult challenges. In this episode, we get to hear Peter’s thoughts on selling emotions, up and coming markets and supporting young professionals.
Selling Emotions
"It’s young, it’s old, it’s laughs, it’s fear. In the end, it comes back to that emotion."
Many people will say that our real “product” in the attractions industry is fun or memories or experiences. Peter distills this down to its core by saying we sell emotions. An emotion will drive our behavior and our willingness to come back and tell our friends. Our emotions, if expectations aren’t met, can also prevent us from returning.
Peter also shares that those emotions can come from many different places, such as riding a roller coaster or sitting on a bench to enjoy the view. No matter the size or scope of the operation, it’s critical to look at all of the opportunities a guest has to feel something, because those are decision points and will determine if we have done our jobs or not.
Up and Coming Markets
"You can see that there is a gray zone that is not the obvious theme park that is our member."
Peter talks about the diversity of the markets he and his team support, stating that on the whole, Europe would be considered mature, the Middle East is developing and Africa is up and coming. He is sure that in the coming years Africa will gain ground and develop as a great spot for attraction development.
What Peter acknowledges that what he doesn’t know is what the timeframe or the attraction mix will look like in that region. Currently, you have safaris, cave tours, and other nature-based attractions and experiences. Will we see full blown theme parks in Africa? Tough to say, but the desire to expand the tourism base is there, and where there is a will, there is a way!
Supporting Young Professionals
"We try to touch their hearts to see if we can persuade them to pursue a career in our industry."
In sharing his own journey, you can tell that Peter is passionate about developing his own skills as well as the skills of others, particularly Young Professionals in, or interested in, the attractions industry.
Peter outlined some of the initiatives and strategies to engage the future leaders of our industry. At the Europe Expo in Vienna in 2023, a job fair is being held to attract students and young professionals who may be interested in pursuing a career in the industry, but may not realize their area of study has a place. For example, those focusing on tech, as well as operations, F&B, and hospitality are all needed as the industry continues to grow. In addition, Peter talked about his desire to have Young Professionals represented across the board in committees and strategic planning to get their perspectives and provide exposure to the inner workings of the industry.
To connect with Peter, check out the IAAPA team members page. To learn more about IAAPA EMEA, click here.
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Episode 300 - Matt and Josh celebrate 300 episodes
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
We have reached an incredible milestone, and we are celebrating in style! For the 300th episode of the AttractionPros Podcast, Matt and Josh flew to Orlando and recorded this special episode in the lobby of IAAPA’s World Headquarters. But wait! Instead of interviewing an industry leader, the tables were turned as Scott Fais, Global Editorial Director for IAAPA, put Matt and Josh in the hot seats and interviewed them on their careers, the impact of AttractionPros on the industry and themselves, and a series of rapid-fire questions. We’d like to thank Scott for opening the doors to IAAPA headquarters and hosting this special episode!
The impact of AttractionPros on the attractions industry
“It’s never a straight line from being a ride operator or a sweeper or scooping ice cream to being the CEO of a company.” –Matt
One of the biggest impacts AttractionPros has made on the industry is that the podcast has opened people’s eyes to various career paths. Throughout the hundreds of interviews we’ve conducted, it’s clear that there is no one clear path from being a frontline employee to an executive leader.
“We saw an opportunity to create something for attractions industry professionals to learn from the best in the business.” –Josh
When we began the podcast in 2017, we identified a gap in educational content for those building a career in the industry. With plenty of content available for enthusiasts and travel planning, we set out to make an impact on attractions industry professionals (also known as AttractionPros) to learn from the best of the best across all areas of the attractions industry.
How we look at the industry differently
“Sometimes, when you think about people in those positions and you don’t know them, it’s easy to dehumanize them.” –Matt
After 299 episodes, one of the biggest takeaways is that we’re all human. Someone in an executive leadership role may come across as intimidating, and by conducting an interview that highlights their career path, their personal life, and mistakes they’ve made along the way, it shines a light on the person behind the title.
“I feel that the industry is even smaller after talking to so many people.” –Josh
It also makes the industry feel smaller. In addition to identifying mutual connections and connecting the dots from a networking standpoint, hearing similar challenges and guidance across attractions and facility types that you may not associate with each other, it shows that the industry is largely on the same page and singing the same song.
Podcast guests who have made a large impact
Every guest on the podcast has had an incredible story to share and an incredible message for the industry, making it difficult for Matt and Josh to each pick one! Nevertheless, Matt stated that when we interviewed Brian Knoebel, it was a last-minute scheduling based on a cancellation, meaning we had no questions prepared. Despite the lack of preparation, his father’s birthday, and only a few days before opening the park for the season, Brian offered us his undivided attention and conducted an incredible interview.
Josh cited John Wood, President and Chairman of Sally Dark Rides, and the way in which he shared how rides like Sally - and the experience in a theme park in general - create a lasting impact on people’s lives that extends far beyond the duration of the ride or the visit to the park. We often lose sight of why people visit attractions of any kind because it gets lost in the day-to-day minutiae, and listening to John’s view of the industry is a refreshing reminder.
What has the podcast done for us
“The podcast has given me another way to give back that I never would have thought of.” –Matt
The podcast has deepened Matt and Josh's ability to network and make connections within the industry. An invitation to come on a podcast is not a sales pitch, making it more likely for an executive to say yes to offering their time. It also has been an excellent way to give back to the industry that we have gained so much from.
“I feel like I am continually gaining an advanced degree in the industry.” –Josh
Additionally, the amount of education and inspiration from the podcast makes it feels like one can gain an advanced degree in the attractions industry. With hundreds of interviews across so many topics, the audience can learn about executive leadership, operations, hospitality, marketing, safety, animal care, DEI, and nearly every topic that you can think of that touches the attractions industry.
Scott also asked Matt and Josh about the impact that IAAPA has made on their career, the value of being an IAAPA show ambassador, how the AttractionPros Mentorship Internship came to be, common challenges that the industry is facing, advice for starting a podcast, and then a fast round of rapid-fire questions.
To learn more about IAAPA, who graciously hosted us for this special recording, visit www.iaapa.org. To get in touch with us directly, contact attractionpros@gmail.com.
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Episode 299 - How will AI disrupt the attractions industry?
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
How will AI disrupt the attractions industry, including theme parks, zoos, museums, aquariums, and family entertainment centers?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the attractions industry in a variety of ways, including theme parks, zoos, museums, aquariums, and family entertainment centers. Here are some ways AI could disrupt the industry:
- Personalized experiences: AI can be used to create more personalized experiences for visitors. For example, theme parks could use facial recognition technology to identify visitors as they enter the park, and then provide recommendations for attractions and activities based on their past behavior and preferences.
- Enhanced safety: AI can help improve safety and security at attractions. For example, facial recognition and behavior analysis algorithms could be used to identify potential threats and alert staff.
- Efficient operations: AI can help attractions operate more efficiently by automating certain tasks. For example, chatbots could be used to answer frequently asked questions, freeing up staff to focus on other tasks.
- Predictive maintenance: AI can help attractions predict and prevent equipment failures. For example, sensors could be used to monitor ride components and alert maintenance staff before a failure occurs.
- Augmented and virtual reality: AI can be used to create more immersive experiences, such as augmented and virtual reality attractions. These experiences can be customized to the individual visitor, providing a unique and memorable experience.
Overall, AI has the potential to enhance the attractions industry by providing more personalized experiences, improving safety and security, and increasing efficiency. However, there are also potential risks, such as privacy concerns and job displacement. As the industry evolves, it will be important to carefully consider these risks and work to mitigate them.
What do you think? How will AI disrupt the attractions industry? Let us know your thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
Also, what do you think of this episode format? Should we do more of these?
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Episode 298 - Are branding and theming the same thing?
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Are branding and theming the same thing?
With each podcast interview, we share multiple quotes on social media aimed to inspire, motivate, and educate our audience (AKA you) while encouraging you to check out the full interview to gain the full story behind the quotes. While promoting episode 294, we posted a quote from our interview with Jerry Davis: "Branding and theming are the same thing.”
If you listen to Jerry’s reason behind the quote and the full story that led to it, it makes perfect sense (side note: check out episode 294 if you haven’t already). However, on its own, it sparks debate. In this first-ever minisode, Matt and Josh read comments from Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, where many industry professionals chimed in with their thoughts on the subject.
What do you think? Are branding and theming the same thing? Let us know your thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
Also, what do you think of this episode format? Should we do more of these? (Spoiler alert: episode 299 is also a minisode)
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Dr. Mike Adkesson is the Chief Executive Officer at the Brookfield Zoo. As a veterinarian by trade, Mike has always had a soft spot for animals, working tirelessly to create a better world for them both in nature and under human care. Mike's passion for animals began at a young age when he participated in his first animal care youth program at age 8, leading him to become a zookeeper at 15 before pursuing his doctorate in veterinary medicine. With over 15 years of experience in animal care and welfare, Mike was promoted to CEO of Brookfield Zoo in October 2021 and is now dedicated to providing guests with unforgettable experiences while also leading global conservation efforts beyond the walls of Brookfield. In this interview, Mike talks about learning while having fun, conservation beyond the zoo, and animals being happy.
Learning While Having Fun
"I passionately believe that people listen and learn more when they're having fun."
Mike emphasizes that the guest experience is paramount in ensuring that the messages of animal care and conservation are absorbed. When guests are surrounded by problems and can’t enjoy the true zoo experience, we can’t expect them to care about messages that go beyond the zoo.
To tackle this problem, Mike shares that the operation needs to have excellence in every corner of the experience. The food should taste amazing, and the attractions should be engaging. However, Mike emphasizes that the most crucial element is to create intimate and one-of-a-kind animal experiences to engage guests and get them to care. Mike believes that without a great guest experience, the zoo's mission and purpose can’t be fulfilled.
Conservation Beyond the Zoo
"They care more about a specific species because they saw it close-up here at the zoo."
Mike's passion for conservation and the missions supported by The Brookfield Zoo stem from his background as a veterinarian. He believes that to expand these efforts, it's crucial to make the information about them readily available and easily accessible to the public. From featuring information on the website to organizing lunch seminars for the public, the zoo endeavors to communicate the other side of what they do beyond providing exceptional care for the animals at their facility.
Zoos and aquariums worldwide have provided 1 billion dollars in funding for these conservation programs. Mike shares that by letting the guests know where their dollars are going, it can create that next level of attachment to the animals in the zoo and the missions the zoo supports. Moreover, by providing intimate interactions with certain animals, the guest experience can be elevated to a call for action, inspiring them to support conservation efforts beyond their visit to the zoo.
Animals Being Happy
"Our animals receive better care than billions of people around the world."
In the past, Zoos haven’t been nearly as caring and appreciative of their animals as they are now. Mike shares that it’s important to change the narrative and discuss the changes that have been made over the past 30 years to bring significant improvement to the lives of these animals, and show just how important that care is.
Many guests don’t understand indicators of certain animals being happy, and can actually misunderstand those indicators. To combat this, Mike provides guests with scientific evidence and measured data to not only let the guest know that the animal is happy, but prove it. Mike emphasizes that by having open, tough conversations, guests will ultimately walk out of the experience much more educated.
To connect with Mike, you can find him on LinkedIn. To learn more about The Brookfield Zoo, you can find their website here.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our amazing team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
- Summary by Mason Nichols
- Video editing by Abigail Giganan
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Episode 296 - Matt and Josh talk about defining your DEFCON
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
We all want to enjoy our time off. However, as leaders, there is often this nagging feeling like we’re missing something or we are going to be needed for an important decision. What follows is an endless parade of checking email, texting co-workers, checking email, thinking about the work left undone, checking email…
When does it stop? When you proactively put a plan in place to identify the things you SHOULD be contacted for vs the items your team should be able to handle. In this episode, Matt and Josh talk about defining your DEFCON, operational communication, and empowering your team.
Defining your DEFCON
"If I am going to hear about this from external sources, then I want to hear it internally first."
You're getting ready to leave for an extended period of time and tell your team, “Only contact me if there is an emergency.” However, your version of an emergency and their version rarely line up - without some conversations and expectations.
Defining your DEFCON refers to creating a system or tiered approach to emergency or off-time communication. Similar to measuring a nuclear threat, you can assign DEFCON ratings to various situations that may or may not require your intervention. DEFCON 1 (worst case scenario) could be a team member or guest injury, a 911 call, or social media event about to go viral. You NEED to know and possibly act on these situations. A DEFCON 5 (lowest priority) could be a routine guest complaint or needing toilet paper. Your staff should be able to do these things and do not require immediate attention.
Operational communication
"It’s not just about delegation, it’s also about communication."
Defining when and how to communicate goes beyond preparing for a vacation; it should be the rule for figuring out the best way to run your operation. With so many communication methods and strategies available, there is no reason for someone to be out of the loop.
As you are defining your DEFCON, you are likely identifying areas of the business that your team should be able to handle but maybe can’t. This gives you a great place to start regarding tasks and processes you should discuss with your team. This not only prepares them for your absence, but ultimately this process strengthens their individual skills and builds the confidence needed to function without you.
Empowering your team
“Fewer employees having more autonomy means we HAVE to empower them.”
Teaching your team how to handle situations requiring more and more responsibility not only increases their aptitude and confidence but also gives them a greater sense of ownership and autonomy. The true definition of empowerment is to literally give power to another person - you are doing this by teaching a skill and trusting them to carry it out without your supervision.
Whenever you empower someone, the results may not come out as you thought. Maybe they are better, maybe they are worse. If they are better, celebrate and recognize your team for improving a process or practice. If the results are not what you expect, then this would trigger a coaching conversation where you can discuss the decision-making process and actions taken.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our amazing team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Jeffrey Nichols is the Chief Executive Officer at The National Civil War Museum, and has over 25 years of museum experience. Jeffrey has held several leadership roles at various museums, including the Mark Twain House & Museum and Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest. Jeffrey’s passion for history began during his college years in Connecticut, where he studied history and got his start at the New Haven Museum in his home state. Now, Jeffrey now leads The National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with a commitment to preserving and sharing the stories of the Civil War era. In this interview, Jeffrey shares the role of history museums, connecting history to today, and the business of non-profit.
The Role of History Museums
"People believe that museums are trustworthy."
Now more than ever, museums are recognizing the importance of engaging their audiences beyond traditional methods. With traditional history lessons becoming less prevalent in classrooms, museums are stepping up to fill the gap and provide immersive, experiential learning opportunities that can't be replicated in a textbook. Jeffrey understands the significance and works to ensure that his museum is not only teaching history, but also creating an emotional connection to the past.
Jeffrey emphasizes that by sharing both sides of a story and highlighting the true scale of an event, museums can create a more complete understanding and visitors will see more of the significance. By presenting a balanced narrative, visitors gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of past events and develop a much stronger perspective on these events.
Connecting History to Today
"Museums and historic sites strive to broaden one's perspective."
The study of history serves a multitude of purposes. Jeffrey shares that history educates us on our past mistakes, and gives us a benchmark to relate to current events. Not only this, but experiencing something like The National Civil War Museum builds critical thinking skills by allowing visitors to learn about history in a multi-dimensional way.
Jeffrey emphasizes that history is never black and white, much like the nature of the information we get in our world today. Jeffrey believes that by teaching history and fostering critical thinking skills, new and existing generations can develop the ability to analyze more complex situations, comprehend these diverse viewpoints, and make informed, strong decisions.
The Business of Non-Profit
“Having some business sense is important.”
Jeffrey shares that getting his MBA while working at the Mark Twain House & Museum allowed him to gain a deeper understanding of strategic thinking and acquire new skills to help grow the business, which proved to be especially valuable when facing the challenges of growing a non-profit organization. By thinking in different directions, Jeffrey has been able to successfully contribute to the growth of The National Civil War Museum since his arrival.
One of the challenges Jeffrey has faced is the marketability and advertising of the museum experience. Due to the severity and importance of the exhibits in the museum, guests don’t take selfies or post about their experience on social media very often, but rather resort to word-of-mouth referrals. To help balance the gap, Jeffrey has built a digital platform for marketing, using the resources made available to him to help grow and attract guests to the Museum, such as adverts and easily accessible information on their website.
To connect with Jeffrey, you can find him on LinkedIn. To learn more about The National Civil War Museum, visit their website here.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our amazing team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
- Summary by Mason Nichols
- Video editing by Abigail Giganan
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Jerry Davis is a seasoned professional in the construction and attractions industry, serving as the President and Principal of PeakCM, LLC, an award-winning construction firm specializing in a wide range of projects from theme parks to healthcare facilities. Jerry's passion for the attractions industry was ignited after graduating from UCF and landing his first job at Beers Construction, where he worked on the iconic Marvel Superhero Island at Universal's Islands of Adventure. Over the years, Jerry has been involved in numerous incredible projects, and took his expertise to establish PeakCM, his own construction management firm. In this interview, Jerry talks about constructing attractions, controlled chaos, and balancing quality, time, and cost.
Constructing Attractions
"You need to learn how to manage the stress, pressure, and deadlines."
Jerry understands that constructing attractions is a unique and complex endeavor, often described as an intersection of cutting-edge technology, groundbreaking art, and innovative design. One of the most daunting aspects of constructing attractions is managing the budget while maintaining high-quality standards. Jerry acknowledges that working within a specified budget without compromising on quality can be an incredibly tough task.
Jerry recognizes that construction of attractions can be challenging, with various stakeholders, complex designs, and tight deadlines. To mitigate this chaos, Jerry emphasizes the importance of getting hands-on from the early stages of the project. One of these keys to success is when the contractor is brought on board early by the owner or project team, allowing for better communication, coordination, and alignment of expectations.
Controlled Chaos
"Construction projects are like controlled chaos."
Jerry acknowledges that construction projects, especially in the attractions industry, often face challenges with changes in design, unexpected issues, and potential impacts on timelines, quality, and costs. It is rare for a project to feel like it will be completed on time and on budget during the construction phase.
To effectively combat these challenges, Jerry emphasizes the importance of proper communication channels and a culture of collaboration. Having the right people with the right expertise and mindset around you can make a significant difference in addressing issues head-on, rather than getting stuck in a cycle of problem-solving without finding a solution.
Balancing Quality, Time, and Cost
"When you really want quality, your time gets sacrificed."
The quality, time, and cost triangle is a fundamental concept in the construction industry. For years, contractors and owners have sought to strike the perfect balance among these three elements, but often have to make tough decisions, as achieving all three simultaneously can be borderline impossible.
In recent times, however, the landscape has evolved with additional variables impacting the triangle. Factors such as extended lead times on materials and significant fluctuations in pricing have disrupted the traditional equation of time and cost. Jerry emphasizes that finding the right balance among quality, time, and cost is crucial to delivering a successful project, requiring effective communication with the owner and making educated and fair choices.
To connect with Jerry, you can find him on LinkedIn. To learn more about PeakCM, visit their website here.
This episode is kindly sponsored by Attractions.io, the guest experience platform behind Merlin Entertainments’, San Diego Zoo’s, and the Kennedy Space Center’s branded mobile apps.
Like us, the folks at Attractions.io are on a mission to elevate our experiences. Their latest launch adds in-app photos to the Attractions.io mobile app, giving guests more time to view, purchase and share their media with loved ones.
Impressively, 88% of consumers say they trust content and recommendations from their friends and family over any other form of marketing – making user-generated content, like photo sharing, an essential strategy for your marketing team this season (according to Nielsen, in its global Trust in Advertising Study in 2021).
To learn more about Attractions.io and the new in-app photo feature, visit Attractions.io/photos.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our amazing team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
- Summary by Mason Nichols
- Video editing by Abigail Giganan
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com