AttractionPros brings you into the room with the top leaders, executives, and influencers in the attractions industry, to gain the widest possible perspective of all areas of the industry. Most people are only exposed to the practices of their own organization without seeing how the rest of the industry operates. By following AttractionPros, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed and learn from the best of the best, whether you are the CEO or just beginning your career.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Episode 341: Minisode - Out of Office
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Do you check your email when you’re out of office? That was the question discussed in this week’s “minisode,” where Matt reflected on his trip to Iceland and pointed out times when he responded to messages, even though his out-of-office reply suggested that he wouldn’t. This led to a conversation about how we, along with attractions industry leaders, strive to communicate while they are off property, on vacation, or otherwise out of office.
We want to hear from you! What’s the best way to be out of office? Do you occasionally chime in, or do you shut down notifications altogether to be fully inaccessible? Let us know by chiming in on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, or Instagram.
What do you think of this episode format? Let us know if you want us to produce more minisodes!
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Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Episode 340: Lessons from Iceland
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Lessons from Iceland
When you think about vacation spots, Iceland may not come up on everyone’s to-do list, but it did for Matt and a group of friends from his neighborhood. They wanted to experience the Northern Lights, Icelandic food and culture, and take in the beauty the country has to offer. In this episode, Matt and Josh discuss some of the experiences Matt and his friends had and how they relate to business and life.
The first thing Matt and Josh discussed was a hot dog. Yes, a hot dog. As Matt and his friends researched things to do in Iceland, they kept hearing about this special hot dog that you could only get in Iceland, so they had to seek it out.
It was a good hotdog, but the bigger lesson has to do with marketing and hype. We’ve all had hot dogs before, but the hype and attention this hot dog got made them think it was pretty special! If you believe in your product and tell a good story, people will want to seek you out.
The next lesson also had to do with food, but this time it was the premium experience created by the staff at the Fish Company that elevated the dining experience. They took the time to explain each dish as they served them, which not only helped understand what they were eating, but also gave them something to talk about as they discussed our meal later. It was this detail that took an excellent meal and made it truly memorable.
If you are going to walk on a glacier (a solid sheet of ice), you need special add-ons to your footwear. In a few places, crampons, or spikes were given out to put on your shoes to help navigate the glacier. The problem is that when most people walk on ice, they naturally walk with a little more care and caution than they would on normal ground. It was that the tour guide advised the group to walk normally, otherwise the crampons wouldn’t grip the ice and it could be treacherous.
There are many business and life lessons to be taken from trusting your crampons. The ability to trust your judgment or to trust a process takes the same mindset as trusting your crampons. Sometimes you have to let go and believe that you, your judgment or the process are going to lead to positive outcomes.
While on the glacier, the group also got to experience naturally occurring ice caves that constantly change with the weather. No two caves are the same, nor will they be the same a few days later. The experience of hiking in these caves was truly immersive, and leads to the question… can manufactured attractions compete with naturally occurring immersive locations. There is no “it makes you FEEL like you are there” vs you ARE there. But maybe “competition” isn’t the goal. Maybe it’s to provide an experience for people that will never go to Iceland, or to explore worlds that are literally only in our minds.
The last lesson has to do with service recovery. In two instances, when faced with a guest service situation that needed to be solved, the people responding to the situation said, “It’s not fair that this happened”. That response was the precursor to taking a human-centered approach to fixing the problem and doing what was right for the situation and the guests.
If you have been to Iceland, or if you have comments about the lessons we took away from the experience, please let us know. You can email us at attractionpros@gmail.com, or find us any of the socials.
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Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Episode 339: Matt and Josh talk about premium experiences
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
Tuesday Mar 05, 2024
This episode started with a question about what we as an industry might be lacking compared to other industries. It just so happens that Josh and Matt were talking about premium experiences just before recording, so that happened to be on our minds. In this episode, we talk about possible enhancements attractions can make to premiumize both the guest and employee experience.
At its core, a premium experience is based on three things: exclusivity, efficiency and personalization. With that in mind, we brainstormed a few ways to include those in our offerings to guests and employees.
For example, what if guests who opted for a premium experience not only had a special parking pass, but a separate lane to bypass all other traffic? Or better (or even more premium) yet, what if a van or limo arrived to pick the guests up and bring them to the park? Would THAT feel like a premium start to the day?
We also talked about this for employees, and discussed that what employees really crave is to be heard, valued and know that they have a future. From our experience, there are a lot of employees that would consider these foundations of the employee experience to be premium - IF done on a consistent basis.
The real challenge for many attractions is looking at the business differently. Taking a strategic look at every phase of the guest or employee journey to determine if there is more that could be done - and the answer is YES! There is no plateau to hospitality or service that we extend to the people we care about.
If you have initiatives that add premium touches to the guest or employee experience, we’d love to hear about them and possibly feature them on a future follow-up episode of the podcast. You can email us at attractionpros@gmail.com, or find us any of the socials.
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Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Deborah Eicher is the International Sales and Marketing Director for RES Rides, a Swiss-based rides manufacturer known for creating unique experiences. Deborah began her career in the fashion industry after getting a business degree from the University of Iowa and later moved into banking and finance. When Deborah moved to Orlando to be closer to family, she was hired as Operations Manager for Flight Avionics (now Pulseworks), where she operated flight simulators on aircraft carriers and museums. During that time, Deborah was quickly promoted to Vice President and then President and COO, and grew the operation from one location to twenty. Ten years later, she was offered the opportunity to join the photo retail provider Picsolve (now owned by Pomvom) as President and COO, where she achieved stellar results, specifically for photo sales at Merlin’s midway locations. In 2014, Deborah moved to the UK and focused on RFP development for manufacturers and suppliers, where she connected with RES Rides which led to her role today. In this interview, Deborah discussed building unique rides, mentoring young talent, and future-proofing.
Building unique rides
"Globally, everybody is looking for a new experience."
RES Rides was formed in 2015 by Willy Walser and Roman Rothe. The founders had extensive experience installing rides around the world and determined that an opportunity existed to introduce new ride types to the marketplace. This led to the development of rides like Rollerball which takes up a small footprint with a vertical lift hill, and Canyon Slide Rapids with the highest drop on a raft ride in the Western Hemisphere.
Most recently, RES Rides won a Brass Ring Award in 2023 for Crazy Professor, a vertical dark ride, at Conny-Land in Switzerland. The attraction features a multimedia experience that includes immersive theming and a pre-show that explains the backstory. Upon boarding the tower in a 10-seat gondola, the story unfolds through sensory elements including back jabbers, fog, and tilting seats, and by the time they get to the top of the tower, the experiment goes wrong and riders drop into a 20-meter freefall.
Mentoring young talent
"If you ask someone to be a mentor, it's very complimentary for that person."
Deborah stresses the importance of finding mentors to help guide you throughout your career. For more than 10 years, Deborah sat on the board of the IAAPA Foundation, where they launched a scholarship program to help young professionals gain an education that will grow their careers in the industry.
Additionally, this interview is personal to Josh, because in 2011, Deborah hired Josh as Site Manager for Picsolve’s operation at LEGOLAND Florida. Deborah shares stories that she recalls from Josh’s time as a young leader, and Josh shares lessons he recalls from his time working with her.
"Hire people that are better than yourself."
When Deborah worked in fashion retail, she was required to set up an operation and then expected to leave it in a short period of time to move on to the next. This required her to replicate herself in order to future-proof the operation. This way, when she left, whether it was within the company or moving on to something else, she left it better than when she started.
Future-proofing involves delegation, understanding the metrics, and creating systems that will allow the operation to thrive. It requires setting best practices and continually fine-tuning them for success, and relying on the process, rather than an individual in particular, so that leaders can duplicate the success.
To learn more about RES Rides, visit their website or their YouTube channel. More incredible and unique concepts are coming in the pipeline, so be sure to stay tuned!
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our faaaaaantastic team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
- Video and audio editing by Abby Giganan
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Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Dr. Patty Mason is a tax expert & financial consultant who not only supports businesses through sound finance advice and guidance, but also consults with executives about business vision, leadership, and employee engagement. A CPA by trade, Patty is someone who enjoys figuring out complex problems and helping business owners make the best decisions possible. In this fascinating interview, Patty talks about a holistic approach to finance, an abundance mindset, and transformational leadership.
A holistic approach to finance
"If you don't have financial literacy, you'll make decisions based on what may or may not be best for you."
It’s not just the bottom line, it's not just the top line. It’s a 360-degree approach to the financial side of business and life that drives financial literacy and well-being so individuals can live a purposeful life.
Patty emphasizes the importance of education because of the various laws and approaches to finance so that both employees and business owners feel empowered to make the best decisions possible. She starts with a framework of ⅓ for today, ⅓ for tomorrow, and ⅓ for retirement. Her clients who embrace this formula thrive in both the short and long term.
An abundance mindset
"An abundance mindset is not afraid of the downturn."
When asked about her advice for companies who are noticing a downward trend in their business, Patty doesn’t advocate for cutting corners or blind investments. Instead, her advice is to diversify and focus on production. In other words, embrace an abundance mindset.
An abundance mindset will drive people to find other lines of business, new ways to make money, and serve the needs of their clients or guests. Of course, it also helps if you follow Patty’s other advice about planning for any downturn with savings that can help you weather the storm.
Transformational leadership
"Make them fall in love with the vision."
When advising clients, Patty likes to start with the leadership style because leadership is critical to creating an environment where opportunities are created and team members thrive.
Transformational leaders empower, motivate, and inspire employees to produce. Patty is a strong believer that this style of leadership is the most compassionate way to get your team to work and is what all leaders should aspire to to be truly successful.
To learn more about Patty, visit her website here. She can also be found on Instagram and LinkedIn. Her phone number is 321-335-4400.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our faaaaaantastic team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
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Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Tuesday Feb 13, 2024
Recently, Universal Orlando shared additional details about Epic Universe, scheduled to open in 2025. The news of the upcoming park’s opening sparked a conversation about sustaining guest and employee experience initiatives on a continual basis. Grand openings are often accompanied by fanfare and confetti, but attractions are built for the long term, rather than the initial splash they make. In this episode, Matt and Josh talk about getting past the honeymoon phase, using feedback to drive growth, and moving the goalpost.
Getting past the honeymoon phase
"Every day should be a grand opening."
There is substantial effort that it takes to open a large attraction such as a theme park. From construction to marketing and hiring, the majority of work activity is pointed toward the grand opening. Once the grand opening occurs, the initial novelty eventually wears off, and now the team needs to shift toward long-term operations.
However, when guests visit for the first time - even years after opening, the attraction needs to preserve the grand opening feel. For employees, this includes the first-day feeling that they have on their first day of employment, whether it aligned with the grand opening or not. Sustaining the enthusiasm is critical, particularly as employees become accustomed to their work environment, which for them now feels normal, ordinary, and occasionally even redundant.
How can you treat every day like the grand opening for both guests and employees?
Using feedback to make improvements
"Ask what can improve the experience, not *if* anything could improve it."
You should always stay up-to-date on how you are delivering the experience compared to expectations, for both guests and employee experience. Using multiple streams of feedback, you can determine what friction points there are in the experience, coming from the guests or employees themselves. Then, using an operational lens and recognizing that the solution is not always the opposite of the problem, you can implement solutions very quickly that address the perception of the issue, and continue to measure the data to track improvements.
This also requires leaders to look at their environments with a critical eye and not accept mediocrity. Saying “it’s fine” to minor issues is an indicator that a leader will overlook circumstances that will grow into larger problems in the future. Taking care of them immediately ensures a high standard of quality.
Moving the goalpost
"Use 'wow' moments to make sure the experience has no plateau."
The guest and employee experience have no limit. The more you drive these forward, the more growth opportunities you have for guest loyalty, including repeat visitation and positive word of mouth, as well as employee loyalty, which includes retention and referrals. Even if you are ranked #1 on TripAdvisor, you can create a larger buffer between yourself and the attraction ranked #2.
The concept of the peak-end rule indicates how we remember experiences. We are most likely to remember the beginning, end, and the peaks that occur throughout the experience. If we strategically orchestrate the peaks throughout their day, we can better ensure satisfaction, and we can continue to iterate new ideas for “wow” moments that can push the experience further.
Even if your attraction isn’t brand new, tomorrow is a brand new day. When you focus on the guest experience and the employee experience, the revenue follows.
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Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Tuesday Feb 06, 2024
Amanda Verhoff is the President of the Association of Luxury Suite Directors, an organization dedicated to the premium and luxury seating industry that serves sports arenas, theaters and large-scale event spaces. Amanda studied sports management in college and upon hearing a guest speaker, who happened to be the founder of ALSD, raised her hand for an internship and she has been working in the premium seating industry ever since then. Throughout this fascinating conversation, Amanda gives us insight into the premium sports experience, understanding the buyer, and singing the same song.
The premium sports experience
“Premium is more than the product, it’s the experience.”
When people think of premium seating, they likely think of the hardware… the loge, skybox, or suite that allows an audience member to view a game or performance from a specific vantage point. Amanda assures us that it doesn’t stop there and that there is a whole host of touchpoints that make up the “experience.”
Food and beverage, entertainment options and transportation services are just some of the ways that premium seating directors infuse luxury into the experience. If at a sports arena, the game for many is the main attraction, but for those in premium seating, it can serve as a backdrop to an elevated event.
Understanding the buyer
"It's a tall task to understand the differences between different types of buyers."
Words like premium and luxury are highly subjective. Buyers are judging the level of premium or luxury against their understanding or experience of those situations. From a selling standpoint, it takes skill to understand the buyer's desire for luxury and where it falls on their scale - and it’s not always money-driven.
Part of the tall task of understanding the buyer is the vast difference in opinions and attitudes when it comes to just what luxury looks like. For some, it could be that every detail of the experience is planned and executed by someone else. For others, luxury could mean a decadent dessert presented in an elegant way by the culinary team. It’s the wide-ranging attitudes that keep luxury suite operators on their toes.
Singing the same song
"Ticketing, parking, and food & beverage might be different entities, but they need to be singing off the same song sheet."
A premium experience doesn’t just happen because people are in a loge or skybox, it’s as much about the arrival and departure, navigating the venue, getting through ticketing or security, or the food and beverage offerings. This takes a lot of people working in a coordinated effort to pull it all off.
Amanda reminds us that in most cases, the people working in these various positions are actually working for different companies who have different values or processes. The key, she says, is to find the cooperative elements of service that everyone can adhere to in order to create a seamless experience.
To learn more about ALSD, visit their website. To connect with Amanda, you can find her on LinkedIn or email her at amanda@alsd.com.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our faaaaaantastic team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
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Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Jenny Williams leads attend media, an advertising agency working primarily with cultural and non-profit attractions. As a Media Strategist, Jenny works with zoos, gardens, museums, and aquariums to align their efforts across media strategy and investing in advertising. Jenny began working in media in November of 2007, which is the same time that Facebook launched its advertising platform. Throughout her career, she gravitated toward working with attractions and developed an even deeper niche within non-profit and cultural attractions to help align their advertising around the mission. In this interview, Jenny shares practical advice about putting together an effective media mix, non-profit marketing, and tracking the right metrics.
An effective media mix
“You can’t post the same ad across all channels and expect it to serve the same purpose.”
There are so many channels that need to be considered when placing advertisements based on the audience attractions are looking to target and the message they are seeking to convey. While digital marketing, including social media and online advertising, has accelerated in growth, marketers should continue to leverage traditional channels such as television, radio, and billboards.
Through extensive testing and looking at past performance, marketers should evaluate the success of various campaigns, using the data to drive future campaigns into what works best. In particular, influencer marketing has evolved from finding an influencer with a sizeable following to post content about the brand to seeking larger pools of smaller creators and using their content in the attraction’s ads.
Non-profit marketing
"People are seeking more organic content. They may not trust when it's perfect and polished."
Jenny describes the difference between nonprofit and for-profit attractions as mission-driven or ticket-driven. While both types of attractions need to focus their advertising on driving attendance and ticket sales, non-profit attractions should focus their message around their mission.
Non-profit attractions typically have a wide channel mix and often can spread themselves too thin. Jenny suggests that non-profit attractions should not spend less than 5% of their budget on any channel. This puts constraints on creative teams for developing assets, limits the ability to do proper testing and find insights, and it dilutes the messaging. Additionally, non-profit attractions should spend at least 10% of their budget on paid social.
Tracking the right metrics
“Visitation is the end goal; not a click to the website.”
When you’re building your media strategy and looking at your objectives, it begins with understanding what you’re looking for. It may not be about how many unique households you are reaching, driving traffic to a web page, or even driving online ticket sales.
Depending on ticketing software and advertising channels, attractions may be able to track the performance of their campaigns directly through to ticket sales. However, for channels such as television, radio, and billboard, attractions should align these campaigns to see if website visitation increases or if attendance grows which can be attributed to the campaigns.
To learn more about attend.media, visit their website. Jenny is also co-host of the Marketing Attraction Podcast, which can be found here and on all major podcast platforms.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our faaaaaantastic team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
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Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Dominic Wray is Parks Director for Vectis Ventures and he oversees all aspects of the operation for Blackgang Chine on the Isle Wight. Blackgang is the oldest theme park in the UK, opening in 1843. Dominic began his career in the property market as an estate agent, then transitioned to banking with a position at Lloyds Bank where he split his time between personal banking and commercial banking clients. It was one of those commercial clients, Paula (who happened to be the HR Director at Blackgang Chine) who told Dominic about this wonderful, fun and fanciful place she worked at and that really appealed to Dom. When the Park Manager role was posted, Dom applied for and got it, and thus began his career of selling fun instead of financial products. In this episode, Dom talks about micro businesses, breaking down silos and leaving the island.
Micro businesses
"You've got lots of micro businesses within it. It's not just one business."
Dom recalls that one of the biggest learning curves he encountered when entering into the attractions business was how the park was actually a collection of micro businesses under the umbrella of the larger business.
Food and beverage, Marketing, Guest Experience, Safety and Retail can all be stand-alone businesses in their own right, but in the theme park industry, they must all work together to achieve the overall goals. And as park manager and now Parks Director, it’s critical he has a working understanding of all of those functions, as well as seasoned leaders who can help advise and direct as needed.
Breaking down silos
"It's healthy to challenge each other in a respectful manner."
In the early days at the park, Dom admits being a little naïve about just how separate the various departments were, and how that impacted productivity, morale, and the guest experience. Dom now attempts to structure his day so that he can give the appropriate attention to each area of the operation, knowing that emergencies can pop up at any time that will pull him away from his agenda.
Having a healthy balance of different viewpoints along with a sense of collaboration along the team helps create culture that doesn’t allow emotional walls or silos become a detractor for productivity. This leads to the team being able to effectively pull together when various events require involvement from many different departments across the property.
Leaving the island
"Both internal networking and external networking can be fantastic for development."
The Isle of Wight is a small island just south of mainland England. To access the island, you must take a boat, which does pose some challenges for residents and tourists alike. That also means that leaving the island can pose the same challenge or inconvenience, but Dom says it’s critical.
When Dom first entered the industry, he attended IAAPA Expo in Orlando and was able to gather some very practical knowledge and experience he could apply to his new role. Likewise, he also encourages his team to attend trainings, conferences, or to visit other attractions to make sure they are continuing to expand their knowledge and experience new ways of doing business.
To learn more about Blackgang Chine, visit the park’s website. To connect with Dominic directly, he can be reached at dominic.wray@vectisventures.co.uk or on LinkedIn.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our faaaaaantastic team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
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Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Steve Thomas is the General Manager at Belmont Park in San Diego, CA. Steve’s background includes working in oil fields in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico until he decided to move back to his hometown of San Diego in 2017. At that time, Belmont Park had recently been acquired by a real estate developer who had a new vision for the park, which was falling into disrepair. After identifying the challenges needed to make necessary improvements, he took on the role of Maintenance Manager and immediately implemented enhancements. Not long after, he approached the park’s ownership with the interest of becoming General Manager. Since becoming GM in 2018, Steve’s main focus has been on unification, which included acquiring all of the concessions operators on the property and bringing them all under one roof. In this interview, Steve talks about lessons from the oil field, guest centricity, and no paper signs.
Lessons from the oil field
"Don't be bitter about spending a little more time in a role. Have patience."
Steve became a Floorhand for a drilling company after finding them at a recruiting event and learned the job from the lowest position in the ranks. After being passed up for a promotion to Driller a year later, Steve was initially disappointed, but he took the next seven to eight months to fully prepare himself for the role. When he got it, his proficiency was even higher than those who had been drilling for years. Steve stresses that patience pays off when it comes to growing in your career.
As a Driller, Steve says he gained valuable leadership lessons that translated into his role today at Belmont Park. When he was promoted to Driller, he found that he was doing the majority of the work because he could get it done better and quicker than anyone else, until he realized that this was the wrong approach. Instead, when he began learning more about what his team member’s best skill sets were, coaching, and operating as a team, their productivity went up substantially.
Guest centricity
"Everything that we do is with the guest in mind."
Because of the number of businesses that operated at Belmont Park, Steve said that walking into the park felt more like walking into a strip mall than an amusement park. When your ticket allows you certain attractions but not others, employees are wearing different uniforms, and information is difficult to find, it creates a confusing experience that Steve described as fragmented and broken. By working to acquire all of the concessionaires, not only was it a good business decision, it made for a much smoother guest experience.
When describing his guest experience philosophy, Steve says that his focus is to ask, “What is that extra thing?” at every touchpoint in the park. From purchasing tickets to dining in the restaurants, Steve describes the concept of guest centricity of exceeding expectations and that everything that the park does is with the guest in mind.
No paper signs
"There's a lack of care for the guest when there's a crooked paper sign taped to a window."
When comparing Belmont Park to Disneyland, Steve stresses that they can’t compete on the size of the park or the number of rides, but they can compete on guest experience. And part of the guest experience strategy is that there are no paper signs in the parks due to the lack of care that it shows to the guest.
The standard of no paper signs is literal, but also represents the overarching standard. To be considered world-class, you can’t have paper signs taped to a window. This same standard extends into never walking past a piece of trash without picking it up, which helps to align Belmont Park’s definition of world-class.
Having opened in 1925, Belmont Park will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2025. While the plans are still coming together at the time of this interview, Steve is excited to be a part of the centennial celebration and is excited to rally the team and acknowledge this historic milestone.
To learn more about Belmont Park, visit the park’s website and follow the park on Instagram. To connect with Steve directly, he can be reached at steve@belmontpark.com.
This podcast wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our faaaaaantastic team:
- Scheduling and correspondence by Kristen Karaliunas
- Audio and video editing by Abby Giganan
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