AttractionPros brings you into the room with the top leaders, executives, and influencers in the attractions industry, to gain the widest possible perspective of all areas of the industry. Most people are only exposed to the practices of their own organization without seeing how the rest of the industry operates. By following AttractionPros, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed and learn from the best of the best, whether you are the CEO or just beginning your career.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Russ Van Natta from Creative Works is returning to the AttractionPros Podcast for another amazing conversation! This time we talk about books, standing up while on the phone or presenting virtually, and the connection between mind and body.
We also dive deep into the concepts of challenging assumptions, process improvement and of course, their upcoming virtual conference taking place October 6th-7th: Amusement360!
Here are the books that Russ and Josh mentioned during the episode:
This episode is brought to you by BackLooper. If you’re tired of learning about guest complaints from online reviews, read on. It’s time to protect your reputation while still getting valuable data so you can make enhancements to your guest experience. Using the most effective ways to generate responses, combined with intuitive reporting that quickly points out the largest issues, BackLooper enables you to strengthen your operations with superior guest experience intelligence that leads to higher satisfaction. Now more than ever we need to bring our guests into the conversation so they can be a part of our industry’s success. Get started today with no minimum commitment by visiting backlooper.com, or email Josh directly at josh@backlooper.com.
For more on Josh and and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
Open this page in your web browser

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Ike Kwon is the Chief Operating Officer and Head of Government Affairs at the California Academy of Sciences. While Ike's facility was still closed at the time of this recording due to COVID-19, he was able to share with us some of the great things they do to entertain and educate their guests.
In this episode, Ike talks about Platinum guest service, how he didn't think he would end up in California and what his team is doing during the shutdown.
For more on Ike or Cal Academy:
Website: https://www.calacademy.org/
Ike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ikekwon/
Ike's email: ikwon@calacademy.org
This episode is brought to you by BackLooper. If you’re tired of learning about guest complaints from online reviews, read on. It’s time to protect your reputation while still getting valuable data so you can make enhancements to your guest experience. Using the most effective ways to generate responses, combined with intuitive reporting that quickly points out the largest issues, BackLooper enables you to strengthen your operations with superior guest experience intelligence that leads to higher satisfaction. Now more than ever we need to bring our guests into the conversation so they can be a part of our industry’s success. Get started today with no minimum commitment by visiting backlooper.com, or email Josh directly at josh@backlooper.com.
For more on Josh and and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
Open this page in your web browser

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Scot Carson is the Founder and Chief Experience Officer at Amusement Advantage, a company that provides guest experience solutions, such as mystery shopping, to the attractions industry.
In this episode, Scot gives us insight into reputation management, shares how he got to close down the old Elitch Gardens park and open the new one, and why he prefers the term "new weird" to new normal.
For more on Scot and Amusement Advantage:
Website: https://www.amusementadvantage.com/
Scot's email: scarson@amusementadvantage.com
To learn more or enroll in the upcoming webinar: 5 Strategies to Improve Communication
This episode is brought to you by BackLooper. If you’re tired of learning about guest complaints from online reviews, read on. It’s time to protect your reputation while still getting valuable data so you can make enhancements to your guest experience. Using the most effective ways to generate responses, combined with intuitive reporting that quickly points out the largest issues, BackLooper enables you to strengthen your operations with superior guest experience intelligence that leads to higher satisfaction. Now more than ever we need to bring our guests into the conversation so they can be a part of our industry’s success. Get started today with no minimum commitment by visiting backlooper.com, or email Josh directly at josh@backlooper.com.
For more on Josh and and Backlooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
Open this page in your web browser

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Luke Schueler is the Co-Founder/Owner/COO of Flying Squirrel Sports. He is a self-proclaimed innovator, entrepreneur, inventor, founder, business owner, life-long startup junkie, and on occasion – a teacher of these subjects. Of course, we had to ask him about that! This interview covers serial entrepreneurship, starting a business in the family entertainment industry, getting funded, marketing, branding, and expanding to multiple locations.
In this episode, we not only talk about facility design and following your passion, we also dive into the path Luke and his team took when confronted with extreme socio-economic hardships - a great lesson for all business owners.
For more on Luke and Flying Squirrel Sports:
Website: https://flyingsquirrelsports.us/
Luke Schueler on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukeschueler/
This episode is brought to you by BackLooper. If you’re tired of learning about guest complaints from online reviews, read on. It’s time to protect your reputation while still getting valuable data so you can make enhancements to your guest experience. Using the most effective ways to generate responses, combined with intuitive reporting that quickly points out the largest issues, BackLooper enables you to strengthen your operations with superior guest experience intelligence that leads to higher satisfaction. Now more than ever we need to bring our guests into the conversation so they can be a part of our industry’s success. Get started today with no minimum commitment by visiting backlooper.com, or email Josh directly at josh@backlooper.com.
For more on Josh and and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
Open this page in your web browser

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Every attraction gets feedback. The question is... what do you do with it?
In this episode, Josh and Matt discuss 7 ways to get the most out of your guest feedback. Those 7 ways are:
- Designate a person or team
- Respond quickly
- Express appreciation
- Use proven complaint resolution methods
- Document, document, document
- Follow through to completion
- Keep your promise
This is also a special episode because Josh announces the official relaunch of BackLooper, which enables attractions to collect guest feedback that results in higher engagement and provides the operator with analytics and intelligence needed to make ongoing improvements. As a twist to traditional survey programs, BackLooper simplifies the process for the guest while amplifying the value of the data provided to the business.
To learn more and to download the checklist discussed in this episode, visit BackLooper.com/checklist
A new way to contact Josh: josh@backlooper.com
If you have a question for the mailbag or know of a leader we should highlight on the show, please drop us a line. If you have questions about anything addressed on the show, feel free to reach out anytime!
Josh: josh@backlooper.com
Matt: matt@performanceoptimist.com
Website: http://attractionpros.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/attractionpros/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AttractionPros
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AttractionPros

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
The landscape of guest behavior has changed. Due to your new policies, some of your guests feel emboldened to question your rules, putting your team members in uncomfortable situations when guests don’t agree and don’t follow them. The end result is two-fold: employee morale drops, and your business suffers from lost revenue and a damaged reputation.
This episode is a replay of a webinar that originally aired on August 24, 2020. Matt and Josh apply principles of employee engagement and guest experience so that you can help your team members navigate these unusual times. This circumstance requires a combination of proactive measures put in place to minimize escalated situations, along with a set response plan when guests become unruly.
Additionally, Scot Carson shared aggregated data collected from Amusement Advantage‘s mystery shops related to COVID-19 concerns and how they have impacted the guest experience this summer.
If you have a question or would like to get in touch with Scot, Josh or Matt:
- Scot Carson: scarson@amusementadvantage.com
- Josh Liebman: josh@amusementadvantage.com
- Matt Heller: matt@performanceoptimist.com

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Christopher Gould is Senior Vice President at Iconic Attractions Group. He and his colleagues are on a quest to save zoos and make those entities and experiences sustainable in the 21st Century.
In addition to talking about what it will take to save zoos, we also discuss specific insights zoo operators need to have to make the right decisions, Iconic's approach to help, and in come cases turnaround) underperforming organizations and how cities are often defined by their local attractions.
Chris also generously contributed to the Lessons from Executives e-book.
To learn more about Iconic Attractions or to get in touch:
Website: https://iconicattractions.com/
Email: info@iconicattractions.com
If you have a question for the mailbag or know of a leader we should highlight on the show, please drop us a line. If you have questions about anything addressed on the show, feel free to reach out anytime!
Josh – josh@amusementadvantage.com
Matt – matt@performanceoptimist.com

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Jeff Vierkant is the CEO of Historic Arnolds Park, Inc. in Northwest Iowa. Jeff oversees an amazing collection of attractions that have been serving the families of the Okoboji region for generations.
In this episode, Jeff talks about how his previous experience in manufacturing helps him find the waste in a business, and his previous experience as a ride operator at Arnolds Park helps him relate and stay connected to the work of his front line team members. One of the most impactful stories Jeff shares is how he and his family found an amazing community, and how that drove his decision to move to the area.
For more on Arnolds Park:
Website: https://arnoldspark.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArnoldsPark
If you have a question for the mailbag or know of a leader we should highlight on the show, please drop us a line. If you have questions about anything addressed on the show, feel free to reach out anytime!
Josh – josh@amusementadvantage.com
Matt – matt@performanceoptimist.com

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
We asked 25 attractions executives these questions:
- When did you realize the pandemic was going to drastically impact your business and what were some of the first actions you took?
- What do you wish you would have known on March 1st, and how would that have impacted your decisions and leadership during the shutdown?
- How has the pandemic disrupted your philosophy for running a business that will change the way you lead in the future?
Their responses were raw, insightful, transparent, heartfelt, strategic, caring and downright inspiring. In this episode, Josh and Matt share some of the lessons and trends from the collective responses, as well as specific quotes and insight from individual leaders. Of course you will get a lot out of listening to this episode, but you will get EVEN MORE by downloading and reading the e-book yourself.
To download the FREE Lessons from Executives e-book: http://attractionpros.com/lessonsfromexecutives/
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to each of the participants who took the time to contribute to this invaluable resource for the attractions industry.
Kurt Allen
President & CEO, Mississippi Aquarium
John Anderson
COO, Michigan Science Center
John Arie, Jr.
CEO, Fun Spot America
Jennifer Berthiaume
Vice President, Lion Country Safari
Sarah Cole
President & CEO, Glazer Children’s Museum
Matt Eckert
President & CEO, Holiday World
Eric Eimstad
General Manager, Miami Seaquarium
Roger Germann
CEO, Florida Aquarium
Christopher Gould
Senior Vice President, Iconic Attractions
Matthew Johnson
Executive Director, IMAG History & Science
AJ & Kevin Jowett
Owners, Revolution Off Road Adventures
Jim Kunau
General Manager, Island H2O Live!
Ike Kwon
COO, California Academy of Sciences
Brad Loxley
COO, Sun World
Tony Moore
Executive Director, Gathering Place
Tim Morrow
President & CEO, San Antonio Zoo
Michelle O’Brien
Owner, Fiesta Village Family Fun Center
Jonah Sandler
Founder & CEO, Scene 75 Entertainment Centers
Luke Schueler
Founder & COO, Flying Squirrel Sports
Pat Simmons
Director & CEO, North Carolina Zoo
Christina Soverns Schwartzman
Chief Business Officer, Sawgrass Recreation Park
Dennis Speigel
President, International Theme Park Services
Glenn André Viste Bøe
CEO, Skånes Djurpark
Ken Whiting
President, Whiting’s Foods
Barry Zelickson
Owner, Big Thrill Factory
If you have a question for the mailbag or know of a leader we should highlight on the show, please drop us a line. If you have questions about anything addressed on the show, feel free to reach out anytime!
Josh – josh@amusementadvantage.com
Matt – matt@performanceoptimist.com

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
David Rosenberg is the Vice President of Guest Experience at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California. He also served as the 2019 Chairman of the Board for IAAPA.
In this episode, David shares his thoughts on the evolution of the aquarium experience, getting a crash course in international relations with IAAPA and how good intentions, without a plan, can yield the opposite of your desired results.
To connect with David:
- LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-rosenberg-65378715/
- Email - drosenberg@mbayaq.org
If you have a question for the mailbag or know of a leader we should highlight on the show, please drop us a line. If you have questions about anything addressed on the show, feel free to reach out anytime!
Josh – josh@amusementadvantage.com
Matt – matt@performanceoptimist.com