AttractionPros brings you into the room with the top leaders, executives, and influencers in the attractions industry, to gain the widest possible perspective of all areas of the industry. Most people are only exposed to the practices of their own organization without seeing how the rest of the industry operates. By following AttractionPros, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed and learn from the best of the best, whether you are the CEO or just beginning your career.

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Linda Freeman an Industry Manager specializing in the attractions industry at Rockwell Automation. In that role she helps her clients find the best safety and security automation solutions as well as raising the bar on safety standards across the board.
Linda has two messages for this conversation: safety should ALWAYS be top of mind and the industry needs diverse voices to be as safe as we can be. You will hear both of these messages loud and clear as Linda relays her experiences in the industry and makes the compelling case to get involved at any level.
To connect with Linda: https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-freeman-677aa62/
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For more on NAARSO:
For more on ASTM:
If you know of someone who would be a great guest on the show, or have an idea fo a topic for us to explore, email attractionpros@gmail.com.
For more on Josh and BackLooper:
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Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
When we heard there would be no IAAPA trade show in Orlando in 2020, we felt many manufacturers and suppliers would be missing the opportunity to get in front of their clients and customers to tell their story. We wanted to help in some small way.
In this episode, Josh and Matt preview some of the incredible insight and content available in AttractionPros's most comprehensive and collaborative effort to date: Suppliers Speak: Attractions Industry Providers Share their Messages
The impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the attractions industry will be studied for years to come, with many lessons that can prepare the industry for future crises. In August 2020, executives from more than 25 attractions shared details as to their first actions, what they wish they would have known going into it, and how their business philosophy has changed.
In this piece, the focus has now shifted to industry suppliers. While suppliers have faced different challenges than operators, the need to adjust and adapt has been just the same, from furloughs and workforce reductions, the struggles of accessing stimulus funds, and not knowing when their clients would reopen or return to normal. Industry suppliers have had to rethink their offerings and creatively find ways to stay connected, stay involved, and stay in business.
This is also a reminder that those who serve attractions operators are here to help and support the industry. In the e-book, several manufacturers, consultants, and technology providers share their tips, recommendations, and suggestions that operators can implement right away. The variety of recommendations include operational standards for frontline staff, philosophies for management and leadership, and long-term guidelines for marketing, capital expenditures, and strategy planning.
In the video segments, the suppliers answered three critical questions:
- How have you continued to serve your clients and the industry since the pandemic began?
- What shifts have you made to your business model?
- What would you like your company's message to the industry to be?
If you would like your company to be added to this feature, please contact us at Attractionpros@gmail.com
For more on Josh and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Eric Fluet is the owner of Get it Done Marketing, and provides marketing insight, strategy & execution for businesses of all sizes and budgets.
We learn in this episode how Eric started as a ride operator and used his early experience in amusement parks to build a thriving business that helps other businesses. His stories (including capitalizing on the Pope's visit to NYC) capture the fun and inventiveness that can be used to market your own business.
For more:
- Get it Done Marketing: https://www.getitdonemarketing.com/
- Eric on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericfluet/
- The NYC Pope Stunt: Pope Stunt
If you know of someone who would be a great guest on the show, or have an idea fo a topic for us to explore, email attractionpros@gmail.com.
For more on Josh and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Jim Kunau is the GM of Island H2O Waterpark in Kissimmee, FL, which is the most technologically advanced waterpark in the world - and that's not just marketing jargon!
Jim has a fascinating career that spans a few industries and sub careers. We get to hear how he earned his first paycheck because he wanted a baseball glove, and follow the journey to today where he over sees the operation of a waterpark that was designed from the ground up for social and digital interaction.
For more:
- Island H2O Live: https://www.sunsetwalk.com/island-h2o-live-water-park/
- Jim's email: jim.kunau@islandh2olive.com
If you know of someone who would be a great guest on the show, or have an idea fo a topic for us to explore, email attractionpros@gmail.com.
For more on Josh and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
On October 7, 2020, Matt and Josh were guests at Creative Works' Amusement 360, an "event that brings the best together to educate, inspire, and share the tools for success".
The overarching topic was about gathering both guest and employee feedback and some best practices for both, but also just how similar it is to care for and engage guests AND employees... because both are human beings.
We also talk about asking for reviews, employee training and consistency. Lots of talk about consistency!
For more on Creative Works: https://thewoweffect.com/
For more on Amusement 360: https://amusement360.com/
If you know of someone who would be a great guest on the show, or have an idea fo a topic for us to explore, email attractionpros@gmail.com.
For more on Josh and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Pia Adlivanken is CEO of Linnanmäki Amusement Park in Helsinki, Finland where she embodies and embraces a people-first culture.
In this episode, we discuss Pia's background and how that inspired her outlook regarding employees as well as the practical things she does to foster trust and communication. She is a firm believer that not everyone is a "funmaster" and that you have to cultivate an environment where people can use their natural talents.
For more information or to connect with Pia:
If you have a topic you would like us to cover or know a guest we should feature, let us know! attractionpros@gmail.com
For more on Josh and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Fun Spot Manufacturing is the world leader in the design and manufacturing of trampoline and adventure parks. During their 40 years history, Fun Spot Mfg. has partnered with customers to custom-design and handcraft more than 500 parks worldwide.
In this "went-by-too-fast" episode, we are joined by Matt Hubbard and Scott Benjamin, aka, Matt and Scott from Fun Spot! We get to jump from topic to topic, touching on employee training, the future of foam pits and why they started a podcast during the pandemic.
For more on Fun Spot Manufacturing:
To check out the Tuesday Townhall Podcast:
This episode is brought to you by BackLooper. If you’re tired of learning about guest complaints from online reviews, read on. It’s time to protect your reputation while still getting valuable data so you can make enhancements to your guest experience. Using the most effective ways to generate responses, combined with intuitive reporting that quickly points out the largest issues, BackLooper enables you to strengthen your operations with superior guest experience intelligence that leads to higher satisfaction. Now more than ever we need to bring our guests into the conversation so they can be a part of our industry’s success. Get started today with no minimum commitment by visiting backlooper.com, or email Josh directly at josh@backlooper.com.
For more on Josh and and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Pamela Landwirth is President and CEO of Give Kids The World, an organization dedicated to providing children with critical illnesses and their families weeklong, cost-free vacations.
In this inspiring and at times emotional conversation, Pam outlines her philosophies on leadership, purpose, employee engagement and much, much more. Pam also gives a sneak peek of her Game Changer: The Power of Purpose session at the IAAPA Expo | Virtual Education Conference in November. AttractionPros is proud to be the Official Podcast Partner of the IAAPA Expo | Virtual Education Conference.
For more on Give Kids The World:
For more on Pam and her book, "On Purpose":
To register for the IAAPA Expo | Virtual Education Conference:
To join the AttractionPros GKTW 5K Fun Run Fundraiser Team:
This episode is brought to you by BackLooper. If you’re tired of learning about guest complaints from online reviews, read on. It’s time to protect your reputation while still getting valuable data so you can make enhancements to your guest experience. Using the most effective ways to generate responses, combined with intuitive reporting that quickly points out the largest issues, BackLooper enables you to strengthen your operations with superior guest experience intelligence that leads to higher satisfaction. Now more than ever we need to bring our guests into the conversation so they can be a part of our industry’s success. Get started today with no minimum commitment by visiting backlooper.com, or email Josh directly at josh@backlooper.com.
For more on Josh and and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Kelly Molson is the Co-founder of Rubber Cheese and the Skip the Queue podcast. Since she hosts her own podcast, we had to turn the tables on her a little bit!
During this discussion, we explore the importance of the digital guest experience, why Kelly decided to start a podcast, and building trust with your customers.
For more information on Kelly and Rubber Cheese:
This episode is brought to you by BackLooper. If you’re tired of learning about guest complaints from online reviews, read on. It’s time to protect your reputation while still getting valuable data so you can make enhancements to your guest experience. Using the most effective ways to generate responses, combined with intuitive reporting that quickly points out the largest issues, BackLooper enables you to strengthen your operations with superior guest experience intelligence that leads to higher satisfaction. Now more than ever we need to bring our guests into the conversation so they can be a part of our industry’s success. Get started today with no minimum commitment by visiting backlooper.com, or email Josh directly at josh@backlooper.com.
For more on Josh and and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Joel Manby is no stranger to the attractions world, as former CEO of both Herschend Family Entertainment and SeaWorld Parks, Joel brings his leading with love and servant leadership message to the AttractionPros studios (aka Zoom meeting!).
In this episode, Joel shares why thinks more leaders don't embrace the concept of love in the workplace, "do" goals versus "be" goals, and the balance a CEO has to strike when turning around a business.
For more on Joel: https://joelmanby.com/
This episode is brought to you by BackLooper. If you’re tired of learning about guest complaints from online reviews, read on. It’s time to protect your reputation while still getting valuable data so you can make enhancements to your guest experience. Using the most effective ways to generate responses, combined with intuitive reporting that quickly points out the largest issues, BackLooper enables you to strengthen your operations with superior guest experience intelligence that leads to higher satisfaction. Now more than ever we need to bring our guests into the conversation so they can be a part of our industry’s success. Get started today with no minimum commitment by visiting backlooper.com, or email Josh directly at josh@backlooper.com.
For more on Josh and and BackLooper:
For more on Matt and Performance Optimist Consulting:
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