AttractionPros brings you into the room with the top leaders, executives, and influencers in the attractions industry, to gain the widest possible perspective of all areas of the industry. Most people are only exposed to the practices of their own organization without seeing how the rest of the industry operates. By following AttractionPros, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to succeed and learn from the best of the best, whether you are the CEO or just beginning your career.

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
John Riggleman retired in 2020 after a career of over 40 years in the themed entertainment industry. He started as a ride operator at Cedar Point and Busch Gardens Williamsburg back in the 1970s. Over the years, he has opened multiple new parks and dozens of new attractions and acted as an expert in theme park operations. Most recently, he was Senior Director of Global Operations, Standards, and Harmonization at Universal Parks & Resorts. Even after retiring, John is still very involved with the industry, helping to lead safety committees, educational initiatives, and acting as a mentor for many young professionals in the attractions industry.
John started out as a chemistry major in the pre-medical track at West Virginia University. During the summers of his college years, he worked two summers at Cedar Point and two summers at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Though he started out as a ride operator, he was given more responsibility each year, soon gaining leadership positions despite his young age. John realized from those frontline operations experiences that he wanted to have a career in themed entertainment because he loved working outdoors and truly enjoyed interacting with people. Getting hired full-time after graduation was actually a challenge for John in the 1970s, so he stayed in school and earned a second degree in medical technology as he continued to submit different applications to different parks. Eventually, he found his landing spot in 1980 at Cedar Point as an area manager. After finding his way into the industry full-time, John would stay for 40 more years, work at about 10 different parks, live in 9 states, open 4 new parks, and open over 40 new attractions.
While they do have a variety of similarities, John noticed some key differences between seasonal and year-round theme parks during his time working at each type. One challenge for seasonal parks is that they often have smaller teams that must wear more hats. Year-round parks tended to have larger, more specialized teams. This led to a difference in how quickly employees, especially young workers, were able to climb the ranks and gather more responsibilities. Like John experienced himself, young employees at seasonal parks that returned each year and excelled were given new role with more duties and oversight of other employees. At a year-round park, this sort of quick progression is less common. At either type of park, whether the employee ultimately wants to be in a guest-facing role later in their career, John sees the value of all theme park employees spending some time on the frontlines. For example, back-of-the-house operations employees can often design better service, training, and operations manuals if they have empathy for what ride operators experience each day.
Day-to-day operations have their unique challenges, but opening new rides, lands, or parks is incredibly challenging and rewarding. When a new park is part of an existing chain of theme parks, such as Six Flags or Universal, the new park has the luxury to learn from the existing parks and take many of their operations procedures to the new park. While this makes it easier for the new park, it also is beneficial to the company because consistency across parks in your portfolio is very beneficial. When creating a park that is completely new, they can start their operations manuals from scratch. This was the case that John experienced when he was on the opening team for the short-lived Hard Rock Park. They first benchmarked existing parks and looked at what worked well as well as identified opportunities for improvement. Hard Rock Park had the opportunity to run completely differently than parks with decades of history. John enjoyed the ability to incorporate new efficiencies in the park’s operations plans, but unfortunately, the park didn’t even last for an entire season.
When asked about Hard Rock Park and some insight into possible reasons why it didn’t survive, John indicated that there were multiple factors at play. He said it was a beautiful park with a great variety of attractions, delicious food, and IAAPA award-nominated entertainment. All of the guest-facing elements looked great, and John was confident that the right people were designing and building the park. Some of the different theories are that the hard-hit 2008 economy was partially to blame. Another theory is that the park was expected to be cash flow positive from day one, which is a feat very few parks can achieve. Most parks take several years before they climb out of the red, and their parent companies have to shoulder some losses to ultimately make the park a success. Another possibility is that the location, about 10 minutes from the beaches of Myrtle Beach, didn’t help; some thought it was hard to argue with the free entertainment of a beach. In the end, it is hard to pinpoint a single reason that Hard Rock Park didn’t make it through its inaugural season.
John also discussed his involvement with education, training, and informal mentoring of young professionals in the attractions industry. John has taught several classes at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, including risk management and product development courses. John also serves on multiple boards and committees that focus on training and increasing safety standards within the themed entertainment industry. While theme parks are often direct competitors with each other, when it comes to safety, John says that these competitors become “fierce friends.” John enjoys recruiting students from universities near the theme parks. He emphasized that he loves learning from all of his employees and enjoys hiring talent that will challenge him and help make the park even better. When asked if he had any advice he’d like to share with students or other young professionals potentially interested in a career in theme parks, John emphasized the importance of finding your passion, whatever that might be. He also discussed the value of networking. Some examples of places to network would be to attend ASTM, AIMS, and IAAPA expos and conferences. He also suggested getting involved with theme park competitions. John has been a long-time supporter of the Ryerson Invitational Thrill Design Competition, started by Dr. Kathryn Woodcock, a professor at Ryerson University. Additionally, John said that while a degree is useful at opening some doors, your attitude is what is most important at ultimately proving yourself as a young professional in the themed entertainment industry.
If you’d like to get in touch with John Riggleman, reach out to him on LinkedIn.
To get in touch with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com.

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Jeremy Grunert began his career in themed entertainment as a fan of theme parks. He grew up in Florida, constantly going to the local parks, and eventually scored his first job working at Busch Gardens. Fifteen years later, Jeremy has the dream job of many theme park fans: designing new rides, lands, and theme parks as an Executive Producer at FrankNDesign.
After being a fan for years while growing up in Florida, Jeremy started working as a sweeper in the Egypt area of Busch Gardens Tampa Bay at the age of 15. Over the years, he would work his way through various jobs within operations. He became a ride operator, then a trainer of other ride operators, and then attained a leadership position in operations, all before he finished high school. Jeremy moved to Orlando, where he attended college, and began working at Universal Orlando Resort. There, he had the opportunity to commission and open multiple rides, work in the entertainment department, and work on multiple events, such as the Macy’s parade and Halloween Horror Nights. However, Jeremy really wanted to design these things that he had been operating for years, whether they were events, rides, lands, or whole theme parks. In order to make that move, Jeremy utilized his network of industry professionals to find his next dream role.
When he was still in school, Jeremy volunteered at the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) Expo in Orlando as an IAAPA Ambassador. There, he was able to connect with Thinkwell’s Cynthia Sharpe, our guest from the previous AttractionPros podcast. (This was such a cool, unplanned illustration of how small and connected the themed entertainment industry is.) Even to this day, Jeremy considers Cynthia one of his best mentors and one of the reasons that he was able to take his next career step into working on designing experiences at Thinkwell years after he first connected with her at IAAPA. A few years later, Jeremy would return to Orlando to join Universal Creative and work on Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure and Universal’s upcoming new park, Epic Universe.
Recently, Jeremy transitioned into a new role as an Executive Producer for FrankNDesign. When describing his role as Executive Producer, Jeremy called himself a “vision keeper” and “team cheerleader.” He uses his project management skills to keep projects on track while also making sure that the original creative vision is not lost along the way. When asked how this role compared with his previous few, Jeremy said that before, he had always been representing the client, such as Universal, in his work. This time, though he is still supporting the clients, he is working more on the vendor side of things. FrankNDesign wants to expand its streamlined attraction creation pipeline from large clients to a wider audience.
FrankNDesign’s secret to success is utilizing a highly detailed 3D model built in Revit to design rides instead of many separate 2D drawings. This model is “smart,” capable of telling you how much of a certain material you need, identifying interferences, and other useful integration features. All of the different people collaborating on a new attraction or land, whether they are ride vendors, building architects, HVAC designers, or operations managers, can work together in this single model. Working in 3D has the benefit of being intuitive to most people, unlike 2D drawings which may only be accessible to a small subset of the people that would benefit from seeing this previsualization of the ride and show building. By having more people take a look at the ride in an approachable manner throughout the development, potential mistakes are more likely to be caught and better solutions are likely to be identified. These robust, buildable models can be imported into video game engines for detailed design reviews or even used by marketing for promo videos.
Jeremy also stressed the value of these detailed 3D models in increasing the efficiency of shuttling an idea from “concept to conception.” They begin in the “blue skies” ideation phase, utilizing the knowledge of available intellectual properties (IP) and consumer insights to have a focused brainstorming session. The concept is then developed, with an emphasis on making sure the core tenets of the chosen IP are kept throughout the process. Then, the reality of the budget and timing come into play. All of this is funneled into the design development process, where those 3D models get very fleshed out. After development, the ride is built, installed, and tested before it is rolled out to the public in its grand opening. Then, the cycle begins again with a new project.
When asked what students and young professionals should be doing to follow in his footsteps and finding their dream jobs within themed entertainment, Jeremy had plenty of advice to offer, starting with a suggestion to become an IAAPA Ambassador, like he was. Jeremy said that being an IAAPA Ambassador truly changed his life and that, when he was at the IAAPA Expo, he felt as though he was walking down a hallway and every door was open, figuratively and metaphorically. There were endless opportunities to learn, grow, and network. Jeremy also suggests utilizing LinkedIn for networking. He emphasized the fact that so many individuals within the themed entertainment industry are willing to help the next generation find their way into this exciting industry. Additionally, Jeremy suggested looking into the dedicated themed entertainment degrees, taught by industry professionals, that exist at many universities now. New ones are popping up each year. Lastly, Jeremy suggested making up projects to learn and showcase relevant skills and then being sure to share those projects with your network. He emphasized that a project doesn’t have to be super fancy to show off useful skills. One example he gave was redesigning a bedroom. Choosing the paint color, sheets, furniture, and then tracking the project budget and schedule are a great way to demonstrate project management skills. Find a project that excites you and use it as an opportunity to highlight your talent.
If you have follow-up questions for Jeremy, you can find him on LinkedIn, Twitter, or contact him via FrankNDesign.com.
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Cynthia Sharpe is a self-proclaimed flipper of tables and setter of fires, according to her Twitter handle. She hasn’t come across a challenging topic, especially ones related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), that she hasn’t been willing to tackle, discuss, learn about, or educate others about.
Cynthia began her themed entertainment journey at the Museum of Science in Industry in Chicago. Over the course of seven years, she had seven different roles ranging from a focus on traveling exhibits to developing permanent installations. When asked about the experience, she said it was an amazing opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the museum side of the themed entertainment world, including both the good and not-so-good aspects. While museums have the ability to educate people on challenging topics or events they may not have gotten a chance to learn deeply about, museums can also do harm by perpetuating harmful stereotypes, showing a one-sided view of an event or argument, or furthering the agenda of those who paid for the exhibit. Cynthia discussed the importance of being very aware of those pitfalls and not being afraid to tackle them head-on, often unintentionally. She went on to say that museum exhibit creators choose what stories to tell and what faces to show in their exhibits, and those choices have a huge impact on whether the often marginalized groups that Cynthia and others aim to serve feel heard and welcome in the museum’s halls.
Cynthia has been in her current professional role as the Principal of Cultural Attractions and Research at Thinkwell Group for 16 years. At Thinkwell, she wears many hats, ranging from acting as an executive creative director for museums, aquariums, large-scale cultural events, theme parks, and other themed entertainment venues to being an executive liaison for Thinkwell’s Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Council. When asked further about her role, Cynthia explained that she uses her privilege as a “47-year-old white woman with an executive title” to tackle issues that her junior or more marginalized colleagues might not safely be able to discuss.
When asked what her strategy is for addressing folks in a room who have either intentionally or otherwise been pushing tough topics under the rug or need a wakeup call on an idea that is being discussed, Cynthia shared her approach as the final speaker at the 2019 Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) Story + Architecture + Technology = Experience (SATE) Conference, where the entire two days focused on DEI. Cynthia took the stage and, after introducing herself, stated, “I’m racist. I’m sexist. I have bias.” By doing this, as a keynote speaker at a conference focused on tackling this bias, she admitted her faults and vulnerabilities, an act that invites those in the audience to do the same. Cynthia went on to say that she, and the rest of us, grew up soaking in media that portrayed people in damaging ways. She went on to cite specific failures of her own early exhibit designs to show that it is important to learn from past mistakes in order to avoid the same negligence in future projects. Most people don’t want to think about how their past work may have hurt someone, but there are valuable lessons to learn from reflecting on past poor choices.
When asked what themed entertainment’s role is in current DEI and social justice movements, Cynthia said that the industry has a huge part to play because of its power of storytelling. The types of stories that are told, the voices that are being elevated, and the identities being portrayed are incredibly important, and the attractions industry has a responsibility to use its storytelling abilities to enact positive change. For example, when working on a themed land inspired by a certain country or culture, it is important to be respectful in your authentic portrayal, not appropriative.
It is important to understand the subject matter that you wish to take inspiration from, and it is helpful to have knowledgeable voices at the table from the earliest discussions. Cynthia emphasized the value of having community members from the area you’d like to portray involved from the very beginning to give guidance and act as a source of immense knowledge. Cynthia emphasized that once a creative team decides upon and understands which authentic story they’d like to tell, the rest of the decisions flow a lot more naturally and in a way that is respectful and truthful to the subject matter. Furthermore, having a more diverse and inclusive team from the very start is incredibly beneficial to creating attractions and experiences that make everyone feel welcome and seen. Cynthia emphasized that when a child can see themselves and their culture or identity reflected positively in one of these exhibits or rides or shows, then that child will be empowered to go do great things in the future.
Cynthia also cofounded Harriet B’s Daughters with Nicola Rossini in 2017. Their mission is to change the face of themed entertainment one person at a time. They provide 1-on-1 mentoring and guidance to their members with the goal of creating a more inclusive attractions industry. You can learn more at harrietbdaughters.org.
You can contact Cynthia through thinkwellgroup.com or by reaching out to her on LinkedIn or Twitter.
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Nathan Jones is the founder and CEO of eXP Maven, a company that analyzes the extensive data that themed entertainment venues already have to find opportunities to improve their guests’ experiences and become more successful. Nathan founded eXP Maven in 2020, seeing an opportunity to help the attractions industry do more with less and find opportunities for improvement that are beneficial to both the business and its guests.
Nathan grew up in Vancouver. When he was a child, he attended the Expo 86, the World’s Fair of 1986 that was held in Vancouver. There, he experienced the wonders of the themed entertainment industry, including instant classic attractions like Vekoma’s Scream Machine roller coaster. Inspired by the fair, Nathan learned that he could someday have a career in themed entertainment, and that is exactly what he has succeeded in doing since then.
Nathan’s first true taste of the themed entertainment industry came in 1998 when he joined WhiteWater as a construction manager. Years later, he would leave WhiteWater as one of its vice presidents in order to join Vekoma, the makers of the inspirational Scream Machine that he had experienced years earlier at Expo 86. When asked about the differences between the two companies and their attractions, Nathan said that there are more similarities than differences. Despite focusing on different styles of attractions, waterslides versus roller coasters, WhiteWater and Vekoma both make incredibly high precision attractions that require a delicate balance of different criteria, such as weight distribution and monitoring part tolerances, in order to create rides that delight and thrill amusement park guests. One unique aspect that Nathan loves about WhiteWater is its involvement throughout the entirety of a new project, from concept and design to manufacturing, delivery, and install. It was that unique vertical integration aspect that drew Nathan back to WhiteWater to become the president of its water rides division. Later, he would also go on to join Cavu as its COO.
During 2020, much of the attractions industry was being devastated by the Covid-19 pandemic. During this challenging time, Nathan realized that attractions owners and operators were being forced to make difficult decisions and take a deeper, introspective look at their operations in order to survive. Businesses were looking for ways to work more efficiently and effectively with what they already had instead of investing in new product offerings. Nathan realized this was his opportunity to use his skills to create a new company that would help new and existing businesses thrive despite the pandemic.
Nathan founded eXP Maven as a company that would utilize the vast amounts of data that attractions operators already have and look across the different silos of information to find trends and common threads that would lead to recommendations for more efficient operations, additional revenue opportunities, and, most importantly, opportunities to improve the guest experience. Most data dashboards are backwards-looking and tell you about how you did yesterday, but eXP Maven aims to use data to tell you how you can improve tomorrow. One simple example involves looking at a company’s historical attendance trends and how they correlate with different weather phenomena, like rain. If the data shows that 30% fewer guests show up on rainy days, then a rainy weather forecast can inform a need for less staff in order to match the expected attendance. This is known as dynamic staffing. Another interesting example involves using hundreds of heat sensors around a park to identify things such as areas where people congregate, how well fans and misters are doing at keeping areas cool, and potentially profitable areas for an ice cream cart.
A key focus of eXP Maven is its focus on creating the right, comprehensive guest experience. According to Nathan, the guest experience is not limited to the simple model of waiting in a queue line, riding an attraction, and then exiting through a gift shop. The true guest experience encompasses all the little details that are sometimes overlooked, such as wayfinding signage or having enough shade to shelter guests on sunny days. It is often all of these little details, not just the big-ticket attractions, that add up to whether a guest has a magical day or a disappointing one. One way that eXP Maven alleviates operator problems, such as overcrowding in an area or underutilization of a particular food stall, is by offering guests incentives, such as a discount, to go to a snack kiosk across the park that isn’t very crowded. These suggestions can be tailored for each guest, creating a convenient, curated, all-inclusive guest experience.
Aside from eXP Maven, Nathan gives back to the themed entertainment industry by moderating educational panels, mentoring new industry professionals, and acting on multiple Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) boards and committees. One of the newest committees to be formalized, TEA’s Diversity Committee, is committed to increasing the representation of people of color and women within the attractions industry by elevating their voices. Doing so will help a more diverse subset of the next generation realize that they too can join this exciting industry.
Nathan is more than happy to speak with anyone that reaches out to him on his LinkedIn or through eXP Maven’s website.
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Ryan Borton is the CEO of Funovation, best known for its custom laser mazes and other small footprint attractions for family entertainment centers (FECs). Since its founding in 2007, Funovation has installed over 400 attractions in 33 countries, and each installation is unique. In this interview, Ryan talks about innovating fun, “beamers,” and the importance of booster attractions.
Ryan had a unique route into the attractions industry. He started in the subprime mortgage space. From there, he transitioned into various roles focusing on sales and opportunity identification. All of these roles helped Ryan be a successful business leader when he joined Funovation and soon became its CEO. When asked what lessons from the subprime mortgage industry he’s continued to utilize throughout his career, Ryan discussed the importance of integrity. In the mortgage industry, he would sometimes see clients approved for home loans that they potentially shouldn’t be approved for and made the personal commitment to instead choose to do what he thought was morally correct. This same philosophy is integral to his role as the CEO.
When asked about the difference between sales leadership and other types of leadership, Ryan shared that, to him, they have many similarities. One of the key aspects of his leadership style was learned from being a fan of UCLA Basketball and their coach, John Wooden. Coach Wooden understood that each member of the team was unique and thus needed to be utilized in an appropriate way. Similarly, Ryan takes the time to learn about his employees, their motivations, and their individual skill sets in order to know how to uniquely manage each of them. He also stressed the importance of empowering employees and giving them a certain level of autonomy. He does this by asking all of his employees to make decisions with the mindset that Funovation is their own business. Ryan also mentioned that this autonomy allowed employees to learn from mistakes but also have an opportunity to try new things and discover better ways of doing things than what had been done in the past.
Funovation’s guiding mission is to “remind the world to play.” They’ve been accomplishing this amazing objective by creating unique attractions that utilize both brain and brawn to encourage problem-solving and play. Funovation creates booster attractions for FECs, which are high-value, small footprint experiences that offer an alternative opportunity for play outside of a complex’s core offering. When “innovating fun” and coming up with new, exciting product offerings, Funovation is careful to make sure that the new ideas are consistent with its corporate values and goals. Another exciting aspect of these offerings is that no two of these attractions are the same. When a client asks Funovation for assistance designing a new attraction, such as one of their signature laser mazes, they provide the available footprint of the space. Then Funovation uses faux walls to recreate the space in their facility. Then, a “beamer” comes into this space and uses string to mock-up where all of the lasers will go. These unique footprints and custom laser layouts are what make each Funovation laser maze unique. Another aspect that makes each attraction different is the unique relationship between Funovation and the attraction’s client. Understanding each FECs’ individual needs and goals helps Funovation tailor their attractions to best suit their needs.
Ryan discussed the power of getting to experience an attraction when making a sale. Josh fondly remembers enjoying his yearly visit to the Funovation booth at the IAAPA Expo. He even has score stickers from the attractions on each of his old International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) badges. Being able to see and experience something personally is an excellent way to help people understand how an attraction could best work for them in their facility. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic prevented all of us AttractionPros from gathering in Orlando for the 2020 IAAPA Expo, but hopefully the opportunity to try out Funovation’s experiences can happen safely later this year.
Though the pandemic forced Funovation, like many other themed entertainment companies, to make very hard decisions, the focus on customer service and taking care of the attraction operators was not lost. By continuing to provide guidance to their clients and taking measures such as suspending warranty payments, Funovation demonstrated their commitment to helping FECs and the attractions industry bounce back as quickly as possible. Ryan highlighted the value of FECs as an escape from the challenges of this pandemic and knows that these facilities have the ability to put a smile on people’s faces, under their masks, of course. Ryan is incredibly proud of how his team has rallied throughout this challenging time to do what is best for the business.
One silver lining that came out of the pandemic is that Funovation had time to collaborate and develop their technologies for uses in other industries. Additionally, a greater emphasis on the team taking care of each other and helping each other out evolved out of necessity due to the furloughs driven by the pandemic. As the team grows back to its former size and the industry continues to rebound, this greater sense of comradery is something Ryan knows will stay.
If you’d like to learn more about Funovation and its attraction offerings, please visit funovation.com. Additionally, you can contact Ryan directly at ryan.borton@funovation.com.
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Linda Rose Hayes serves as Operating Partner at Hospitality Connect of Florida. They generate best-fit concierge service, activity ticketing, housekeeping, maintenance, vacation marketers, and transportation providers for hoteliers and management companies in Orlando, Florida.
In addition to all that, both Josh and Matt had the pleasure of working with Linda while they all worked at Universal Orlando Resort. In fact, Linda was Josh's manager and in this episode, we get a glimpse of what a young Josh Liebman was like as an employee!
Linda also talks about her guest service and leadership philosophies (get ready to take notes), the relationship between hospitals and hospitality and why it's so important to let your employees make mistakes.
For more on Hospitality Connect: https://hospitalityconnectflorida.com/
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Adam Sandy has one of the coolest titles ever... Roller Coaster Sales & Marketing Director at Zamperla. Adam loves sharing the newest innovative coasters from Zamperla and is a frequent contributor at Blooloop.com.
This conversation has lots of twists and turns and we get to share our nerd-level love of all things roller coasters and amusements. Adam talks about the roller coaster sales process and how listening to his clients and having boots on the ground is one of the most important aspects of getting it right.
For more on Zamperla:
- Website: https://www.zamperla.com/
- Twitter: @zamperlarides
For more on Adam:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-sandy/
- Twitter: @Adam_F_Sandy (Roller Coaster Sales Guy)
- Instagram: rollercoastersalesguy
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Debbie Evans provides boutique marketing service and attention to detail with big brand corporate experience. Sound strategic counsel, honest feedback, and superior results.
During this conversation, Debbie discusses how being authentic is the best way to "sell" anything, why it's important to take your own advice and what to do to get started with a crisis communication plan.
To connect with Debbie or to learn more:
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Rick Hunter is the Chairman and CEO of ProSlide Technology, who has pioneered nearly every major water ride innovation in the industry for the past 30 years. ProSlide is committed to continual innovation in the water ride industry, helping clients stand out and stand apart.
In this exciting discussion, Rick takes us through his history as a competitive skier and how he became the leader of a truly dynamic and innovative company. This conversation is "hot as a pistol," so buckle up!
For more on Rick and ProSlide: https://www.proslide.com/
To connect with AttractionPros: attractionpros@gmail.com

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Scott Swenson is the Owner/Creative Director at Scott Swenson Creative Development LLC. For over 30 years, Scott has been bringing stories to life as a Producer, Director, Writer and Performer. His work in Theme Park, Consumer Events, Live Theater and Television has given him a broad spectrum of experiences. After over 20 years working with SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment, Scott has formed Scott Swenson Creative Development LLC to provide entertainment and development consultation for clients around the world.
In this exuberant conversation, Scott reveals what it takes to be a great haunter, why story is critical to drive the guest experience and "guardrails" one needs to remain on an authentic path.
For more info on Scott and his projects: http://scottswenson.com/
If you have ideas for guests or topics, email: attractionpros@gmail.com